Sunday, December 7, 2008

1. A 12 year old girl met someone online. They chatted and exchange e-mail addresses. She agreed to meet him. On the fixed day, the girl went to MRT station. Then, she saw a man wearing a coloured T-shirt and she was told to look out for. But instead of a teenage she was expecting, the man she chatted online is a middle age man with pot-belly.
My opinion: I think the girl should not meet any one that she was unfamiliar with because she may get into trouble and it will be very dangerous to meet someone you do not know.
2. A supermarket was chain and fined for a maximum of $5000 in distract court for having melamine-tainted strawberry milk on sale.
My opinion: I think the supermarket manager should not sell the strawberry milk because the news had said before that whose shop with the melamine milk will be fine. Also, the milk will cause more people to get sick. If the supermarket did not sell the milk, all this things will not happen. If the manger wants to sell the milk because he wants to earn money, I think it will be wrong to think like that. The reason is that nobody will buy the milk so until the end, they will not earn any money for selling the milk.


Blogger SindhooraaS~ said...

vry gd opinions!=)

December 14, 2008 at 8:15 PM  
Blogger tsooc said...

Dear Xue Er,

1) I totally agree with you. If you were the little girl, what would you do? What kind of trouble do you think she can get into with her actions? If you have a little younger sister, what would you do to educate her?

2) Do you think the manager has a social responsibility towards the general uneducated public? What if a little child or an illiterate old person consumes the milk? I think the manager may also be unaware that that milk contains melamine or he could be cutting losses. No matter what his reasons are, you are right to say that he is wrong. Way to go.... Keep reading.

December 17, 2008 at 1:41 AM  

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