Monday, December 15, 2008

(3rd News)
1) This year, more people started to litter. The rate of people littering increase to 30,000 and more, so the governments conduct something. If they caught any one litter, they need to sweep the floor.

My opinion: I think that the governments are doing the right thing. Also, I think that this idea is very good and it will cause lesser people to litter. If more people continue to litter, there will be a lot of rubbish in Singapore and it will attract more insects and rats. I really hope that this idea will cause the rate of the people littering drop by a lot.

2) Next year, some of the places are smoke free. The places are shopping centre,
lift lobby, market, playgrounds and sheltered car park. If people are caught for smoking at those places, they may get fine.

My opinion: I think that the governments that think of this idea is very good. This idea can cause fewer people smoking. If fewer people smoke, then there the rate of air pollution will drop. If more places are smoke free, the rate of people smoking will drop more. I hope that this idea can really cause fewer people to smoke and the rate if people smoking may drop.


Blogger tsooc said...

Dear Xue Er,

1) I agree with you up to a certain extent. What do you think S'pore can do to educate the citizens rather than force them to change using laws? How can we become a gracious and cultured society in your opinion? What other areas do we need to look into? eg spitting, drawing graffiti,talking loudly over handphones in public areas etc.

2) How can S'pore tackle the smoking problem in a more wholesome way? How can we ensure that people don't pick up the habit of smoking? Why do some people pick up smoking? Do you think their reasons are correct? How will smoking harm smokers and people around them? You can make use of the above questions as a guide to thinking deeply into such social issues.

December 17, 2008 at 1:49 AM  
Blogger tsooc said...

Dear Xue Er,

Do try to respond to my comments in your next comment. For the smoking issue, you should also read up more on smoking in the Internet before writing your comments. You can try google or wikipedia. Looking forward to your indepth opinions.

December 17, 2008 at 1:51 AM  
Blogger xue er said...

Sorry miss tan for not responding your opinions. Erm for the smoking opinions i have thought through the opinions that u give me. i have written some of the answers. here they are:

2)we can ensure people don't pick up the habit of smoking by telling them the disadvantages of smoking.People pick up smoking as they think that smoking cn distress themself.I don't think their reasons are correct. Smoking cn harm the body but an't help them distress.Smoking can cause the people to get cancer and when the families knew that they will felt very sad.

December 31, 2008 at 1:15 AM  

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